Christmas happened, and the only pictures I have…

chrisrmas2015-1… are of this scrumptious butterball of a nephew opening gifts.chrisrmas2015-2Because he just couldn’t get enough of his stuffed doggy, to whom he kept feeding his beloved ball. chrisrmas2015-4chrisrmas2015-3And every time I raised the camera, he would charge my way and try to lunge into the lens with the most adorable serious face. chrisrmas2015-5 chrisrmas2015-6Plus, he was at that perfect age where he was a pro at opening gifts- all gifts. Old enough to really love tearing that paper, but not so old that he felt territorial about whatever was inside. He helped all of us open our gifts, gleefully loosening paper and grinning at the object, and then wandering off to take another dive at the Christmas tree or smother something in hugs.  chrisrmas2015-7 chrisrmas2015-8 chrisrmas2015-9 chrisrmas2015-10BABY IN ADULT SHOES AND FOOTIE PAJAMAS. I can’t even deal.  chrisrmas2015-11 chrisrmas2015-12 chrisrmas2015-13 chrisrmas2015-15chrisrmas2015-14 And this hat, that he gleefully would pull over his eyes and then dance around like he had discovered the most magical thing ever, which in turn created the most magical thing ever. chrisrmas2015-17chrisrmas2015-16 But really, the best part was watching my family with baby William, the first baby of the family, the one who might just have “baby” attached to his name until he gets married. That kid knew that every person in that house was ready to play, to throw him in the air, to share their toys and laugh at his antics. Watching everyone made me so thrilled to be bringing a baby into this family, full of uncles, aunts, grandparents, and one round-bellied cousin who already love him or her. I can’t wait to have a baby to toss into the middle of this crazy pack of people I love, knowing they will be caught by many sets of loving arms.

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8 Responses to Christmas happened, and the only pictures I have…

  1. Will you hate me if I ask photography deets? Lens, aperture, ISO, etc? I really struggle with indoor photos, especially since my people won’t stop moving! These photos are precious, and it’s true- when you see your family love your child (or your spouse or your friends) there’s no feeling like it. Well done!

    • Hannah says:

      Not at all! I use a Nikon d610, and this was with a 28mm/f1.8 prime lens that I use almost exclusively. The ISO is at 640, f/2.0, and the shutter speed is 1/60. But the real key is that there is a big window behind me illuminating the subjects. I also lightened things up in Lightroom when I did some quick edits. I hope that helps!

  2. What a little cutie! How exciting to think about all the fun he’ll have with his little cousin next Christmas!

  3. mandikorn says:

    What wonderful photographs and story to tell, you are blessed to have such a wonderful family:o)

  4. Laura says:

    That baby looks like a mini James! So adorable!

What do you think?